BBFA Youth Council Fantasy Football League
The BBFA Youth Council are looking to widen their engagement with Young People within Berks & Bucks.
Something new for the 2018/19 season is the BBFA Youth Council Fantasy Football League, we are looking for Young People involved in Football whether it be as a player, spectator, referee, coach or volunteer to join the FREE league and engage with the Youth Council.
All you have to do is register with the official Premier League Fantasy Football Game, create your team and join our league. To join the league all you have to do is either follow this link or enter the following league code when prompted:
You can also find the Berks & Bucks FA Youth Council on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and see what we are up to as well as getting updates on the league!
We look forward to welcoming you all to the league soon!
Luke Almeida
BBFA Youth Council Member